
Advent Worship


Christmas Quiz 13th December 2019


Messy Church 8th December 2019


Mature Movers Every Tuesday


Messy Church Sunday 20th May 2018


Quiz Friday 13th April 2018


Messy Church 15th April 2018


Messy Church February 2018

Notices for Sunday 16th July 2017

“The seed cast on good earth is the person who hears and takes in the News, and then produces a harvest beyond his wildest dreams.”
Matt 13:23 (Message)

Help us Father God to bring our best soil, so that the Way of Jesus can take root deep within us.

Welcome to our preacher this morning who is Rev John Wiggall
After service tea hosts Bob and Evelyn

Our thanks for the flowers this morning which are given by Christina Wright in memory of her husband Percy
Organist: Lydia Edwards

Sunday 23rd July
11.00am          Mr Carl Squire
Vestry Steward – Bob
Door Steward – Warren
Tea Hosts – Warren and Vera

Diary Dates

Mon 17th       Circuit Meeting at Rhosymedre 7.30pm
Wed 26th     Midweek Communion at Regent Street, 11.15am
Sun 30th       Circuit Farewell Service at Regent Street as we say goodbye to our minister Richard Sharples, his wife Biddy and family. 4.00pm Followed by food and refreshments

Please pray for the following:
Isobel Holroyd
Michael Shipley
Keith and Myra Baugh
Evelyn Taylor
Gwyneth Williams

All those who care for those in need.
We thank God for answered prayer and ask that he helps us to understand that all things do work together for good.

Matthew 13:1-9,18-23

For the longest time I’ve read the Parable of the Sower as descriptions of various groups of people. As if there are certain people who are, no doubt about it, just plain rocky soil. Then there are others who hang out with the thorns. The lucky ones are the healthy soil.

That would be convenient. Especially if you happened to be fertile dirt. It may even be convenient to be the impervious path, because it might just feel like a condition you had nothing to do with. As if being poor soil is kind of like having acne, or a receding hair line.

But, the uncomfortable reality is that I have good soil potential within me… And, it’s only a stone’s throw from some seriously rocky ground.

Not far from the thorns and weeds either.

They are all within me. And depending on the day, or the moment, or the circumstance, I end up presenting one or the other.

Years ago now my wife and I tried starting a garden next to our house. There was good soil – we lived right by the bank of a creek after all. But, there were also a lot of large rocks. It was amazing how many we pulled out of that little patch. We tried tilling it up, and it was incredibly tough.

We even broke the tiller in the process. Broke a blade right off.

Eventually, after a half-baked effort, we gave up.

I could apply that story as a metaphor to many, many moments in my life. Sometimes I come up all rocks. Sometimes I break things.

Sometimes, to heck with it, I just give up.

Jesus is asking us here to bring our best dirt, so that his Way can take root deep within us. This isn’t something that happens by chance, or because we’re fortunate to have good genes. It’s something we put effort into.

We’re the ones charged with tilling our soil so that the Life which Jesus sows may grow in us, and produce a bounty.

Even if we bust the tiller in the process, there’s no giving up.

Rev Rick Morley, St Mark’s Episcopal Church, Basking Ridge, New Jersey, USA

The dreams of little people

All are to be sons of God. People used to call only the kings of Israel sons of God. But Jesus applies that term to anyone who is generous to his enemies. Everyone is then a king.

And is it not a privilege of the powerful to be able to give laws and
repeal old ones? What does Jesus do? He defines new laws. He says:

‘You have heard that it was said to those of old time,
You shall not kill,
and whoever kills is worthy of judgement.
But I say to you,
Anyone who is angry with his brother deserves judgement.’

Chuza had gone pale. He protested wearily:

But why does he present his teaching only to the little people? Why doesn’t he come to Tiberias? Why doesn’t he teach Antipas? I can think of only one answer. He dreams the dreams of little people:

Joanna agreed: ‘Of course he dreams the dreams of little people. He’s not addressing the rich and powerful. But what does he want to do? These little people are bent double by their toil. He wants them to walk upright. They’re bowed down by cares. He wants them to be free from cares. They’re people who feel insignificant. He gives them the feeling that their life has meaning. And you’re all worried about that. All of you and Herod Antipas, you’re worried that the little people might come to feel that they’re not little people. So you’ve spread the rumour that you want to kill Jesus. So that he disappears over the frontier. So that he leaves you in peace. So that the little people don’t hit on rebellious notions and become a danger to you:

Gerd Theissen, from The Shadow of the Galilean

Notices for Sunday 9th July 2017

‘Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
Matt 16:28 (NIV)

Forgive us Father God for sometimes being proud and arrogant. Show us how to deal with our burdens by following the teachings of Jesus and living with his easy yoke.

Welcome to our preacher this morning who is Rev Richard Sharples
After service tea hosts Chris and Joan

Our thanks for the flowers this morning which are given by Ken Holroyd and family in memory of their parents Derek and Rhian Holroyd
Organist: Barbara Tinsley

Sunday 16th July
11.00am          Rev John Wiggall (Parade)
Vestry Steward – Bob
Door Steward – Bob
Tea Hosts – Bob and Evelyn

Diary Dates

Wed 12th      Midweek Communion at Regent Street, 11.15am
Fri 14th        Friday Lunch Club 12 noon in the hall £3 This will be the last Lunch Club until September
Sat 15th       Strawberry Fair at Rhosddu 2.00pm
Mon 17th       Circuit Meeting at Rhosymedre 7.30pm
Sun 30th       Circuit Farewell Service at Regent Street as we say goodbye to our minister Richard Sharples, his wife Biddy and family. 4.00pm. Followed by food and refreshments

Please pray for the following:
Isobel Holroyd
Michael Shipley
Keith and Myra Baugh
Evelyn Taylor
Gwyneth Williams

All those who care for those in need.
We thank God for answered prayer and ask that he helps us to understand that all things do work together for good.

Please let one of the Church Stewards know this Sunday if you would like a copy of the 2017/2018 Methodist Prayer Handbook ‘Jesus the First and Last’.
Price £3.50



“Troubled? Change to Yoke Light.”
Mat 11:16-30

I happened to pass the living room and saw his face on the television screen.  He wore the robes of a monk and looked ever so serene. (The bald head helped) He was being interviewed on a chat show.  (South Africa’s own Oprah wannabe, Noelene)  Being interested in all things spiritual I stopped long enough to hear this dialogue…

Noelene: Are you telling me that you never get angry?

Monk: No I experience anger but I choose not to act on it.

Nolene(Incredulous): So if you are on the freeway and someone cuts in front of you, you won’t hoot or yell at them?

Monk: I might think of doing those things but I will ask myself this question before acting, “What will this change?”

“What will this change?”

A skilful question to be sure. As a preacher I sometimes ask myself the same question before and after preaching!  Counting conservatively I realise that I have preached upwards of fourteen hundred sermons.  What did they change?

As I read the gospel this Sunday, I find a deep resonance with Jesus who is remonstrating far more vociferously with his congregation than I have had to courage to do with mine.  It is difficult to pin down the exact emotions Jesus is expressing, but they are incarnationally and beautifully human feelings to be sure! I can follow and serve a God who can experience these emotions that are so much part of my daily life.  Jesus not only confronts, he also condemns.  “Woe to you…”  Wow! He is ticked off!

And then suddenly he changes direction. Matthew marks the change with a time check, “At that time Jesus said,…”

I would love to ask Jesus what triggered the change?

Did he notice a facial expression, did he experience a change of feeling tone, or did he simply remember his own parable?  The one about the reckless sower who doesn’t care where the seed falls or what it produces,leaving the outcome to God. I will never know.

What I do know is that Jesus, having vented his spleen at the hard of heart, non-responders then turns to a prayer of thanks to God for those who are able, because of their innocence and of their liminal lives full of pain, to hear and receive what is being offered.

The proud and arrogant, those who have all the answers, those who think they are “self-made” will never see and receive what the burdened and heavily laden ones will see and receive.

There is something about the pain of human suffering, that tills the soil for the fertile seed of Jesus’ words.

If Jesus had an advertising bill board it could have read, “Troubled? Make the change to Yoke Light”

What did these words change?

If you ask the burdened heavily laden ones who have come to Jesus down through the ages, they will probably testify, that those words changed everything!

Maybe these words will do that for someone too?

Peter Woods, Pastoral Counsellor, Port Elizabeth, South Africa